Are you trying to make your space dementia friendly?
Here’s a few tips to get you started…
Depth and colour perception can alter for someone living with dementia which means they have difficulty differentiating between subtle changes in the environment such as carpets and steps. Try to introduce contrasting colours. I.e. a coloured plate on a white table cloth or a coloured toilet seat.
As dementia progresses so does a person's memory and problem-solving abilities. For example, being able to keep track of current times or dates becomes harder which can lead to confusion and disorientation. Consider assistive technology such as a Dementia clock to reduce feelings of anxiety.
When trying to promote independence and reduce the risk of agitation or confusion, labels and signs on cupboards and doors can be very helpful, such as a toilet sign on the bathroom or toilet door. Signs should be clear and have words and an appropriate picture that contrast with the background. Also, try to put them at a height comfortable for the individual.
Simplify equipment for example, swap out a tv remote for a simple 4 button remote to ensure your loved one is still able to engage in activities unaided.
If you would like more information or support with creating a dementia friendly space, reach out, we're here to help.
Call: 0333 188 7787 or email: