If you’ve read our recent newsletter, you’ll know that we focused our first edition on dementia. The signs & symptoms, creating dementia friendly spaces, research, helplines and much, much more. It’s important now more than ever that we continue to raise awareness of dementia and the impact it can have on not only the individual, but their family, friends and people within the support network.
The only way we can improve diagnosis, treatment, and care is through research. Join dementia research need more individuals like us to sign up in the hope that eventually, we can beat dementia together.
There are four great reasons to sign up:
1. Find research studies that match either to you, or the person you are registering.
2. Connect with researchers to show an interest in their studies.
3. Discover lots of new studies in both your local area and in other parts of the country
4. Help play a part in finding new ways to treat, manage and hopefully cure dementia.
So, whether you’re a health care professional, a volunteer, a loved one or you yourself have received a diagnosis, join the cause today because the action we take today will make a difference tomorrow.
